Why this blog?

So the most immediate and obvious answer is that there just aren’t enough blogs out there. I’m filling the void with my thoughts and insights.


Not exactly.

There are SO many people – smart, funny, insightful, witty, brilliant people – who have and who are writing and speaking about so many of the topics that I want to discuss here. This is not the place to come if you are looking for a reinvented wheel.

My intention in writing this blog is three-fold. First, I’m inspired by the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam (which is often translated as Repairing the World). Like many of you, I’ve been through some shit in my life. Some of the shit that I’ve been through is pretty similar to the shit that many other people are going through right now.

Some of you have it easier than me. Some of you are in more difficult situations than I’ve ever imagined. That’s the way the world works.

We all benefit from being able to connect with someone who understands what we’re going through. Maybe I will be one of those people for you. I’m not saying anything new but I’m saying it from my point of view, based on my lived experiences. That may just be exactly what someone out there needs to hear right now. If my story helps someone else to find some peace with their own story, that’s a step towards Tikkun Olam.

Second, writing helps me. It helps me to organize my thoughts and be mindful of my values and beliefs. Sometimes writing helps me question those values and beliefs so that there can be room for growth. It also reminds me of what I need to do to continue to take good care of myself, stay grounded and live a life that is truly mine.

Third, and please don’t tell my kids this because then they really won’t listen to me, I’m writing this for my kids. What tween or pre-teen wants to listen to messages of hope and inspiration from their parents? Not mine. Other people, maybe. Their mom, nope. I didn’t either when I was a kid. But I also know that some of the stuff I’ve figured out over the years may one day be valuable to them. So I’m writing it down.