My Practices

How am I going to get out of this mess?

I am deeply inspired by the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam – ‘repairing the world’. I started with repairing myself. I’m not done, not by a long shot. These are key practices that I keep returning to again and again on my journey to step into my mess, manage the overwhelm, clean up, and move on.

For the past few years I have been focussing on learning and practice in these areas:

  • Mental and Emotional Nourishment – Therapy, Developing a strong community of support, Learning new things
  • Spiritual Nourishment – Mindfulness Practices
  • Physical Nourishment – Walking, Hiking, Running, Strength Training, Swimming, and shovelling my driveway in the winter

Plus all the other interesting things that come across my path. (See my posts here about Managing Expectations and Pacing Yourself. And maybe also the one on Why I don’t always take my own advice)

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